Sunday, February 8, 2009


Blissful week this has been- sighs! And it was supose to hav been a complete week of prepping for interviews! That, was SO not wat the week was..*Guilt written across my face* Ah wat the hell- unexpected luxuries like this week rarely come by..Its like sumone gave u an extra week on your year - Not jus to you, but to everyone else who had anything at all to do with colleges, even amma had the week off! :)
Although I must admit, midweek, I was kinda dying from boredom, but that kinda death never kills does it? Found time to do most of the things I wanted to - So Yay for me!
This was a rock that i picked outside my house and oil pastel crayon d it! Oil pastels still feel so good in ur palm! :)
And this, was inspired by the angelic baby next door, whom i swear, by far, is the cutest looking represntative of the human race that I have ever laid my eyes on!
Dug deep into my cupboard and found some old stuff that I must hav painted right out of school. Which is why cupboards are priceless, the mystery with which u lose things inside them is totally worth the thrill of finding them back when u least expect to! I remember looking at some bottle of perfume for inspiration for this one with the flowers.
And then some random shrubbery, water colours really rock!
The layers that people can add,its such a rich medium... I guess Im happiest when I watch some one flesh out the entire painting, giving form and depth with every layer- sighs! Now that, would be my dream job, to stand next to a brilliant artist and watch the way the water colors are used, to just stand by and watch a professional's brush strokes.. Sighs! And this one,with the lamps, I remember, was done in total frustration when I went on and on about how there was nothing nice looking to paint in this house anymore, and people at home jus lost it , put these Velakkus in front of me and said here, If u really want to paint stop whining and get to work! :P
And this one, was just after 12th, a week before my Msc. Software interview, I remember, tried to illustrate for one of Devi' s childcraft stories.. :)
Pencil sketching, on the other hand, always holds it charm for me, mostly bcus it involves mainly only a pencil and paper, and does not involve hunting for brushes, the palette or a container for the water.. Also, considering how clumsy I can get, the damaged wrecked by water all over a painting is far more devastating than pencils all over a sketch. On the other hand, pencil sketching means I have to go on a scavenger hunt for an eraser, which I believe to be non existant within the confines of my house, or my room at the hostel. So I tend to not use an eraser, and if it sucks way too much, then I jus pretend I had nothing to do with the sketch ( :P ) - and that seems to help, for now.So one day, I get bak home from Sandhyas place, totally inspired by the stuff she does, and try something along similar lines.. I ended up with these- an attempt at carricaturing Barrack obama that exactly 6 ppl got right, and an extremely sad attempt at the same with Hilary Clinton, and only 1 person recognised her- and that was my sister! :( Work like that, better left to the pro's I guess.. Anyway, carricature watching proves to be way more fun than attempting it and failing miserably- So I don hav any regrets now.. And now, Im in this phase where I pick random faces off the tv or the newspaper and do very rough sketching- and since no one s can compare my sketch with the original, I can only go mua ha ha ha ha! :D

P.S: Don ask me why the pictures all of a sudden, jus that everyone kept saying this space had too much textual content, and I agree, and I was turning purple with guilt cus im here at chennai the past week and I hadnt posted anything at all..

* Relief floods my face as the purple ebbs away and normalcy returns to my guilt ridden heart beat*