Monday, May 25, 2009

I know.

Fifteen days have gone by.
I know the last two digits of my new phone number by heart.
I know my pg address by heart.
I know which bus/intel shuttle takes me to my stop.
I know two complete routes which take me from my bus stop/shuttle stop to my pg.
I know that maadi means take, I know that gothilla means dont know.
I know that my house cleaning lady doesnt like me and my hair (how dare she!), and prefers premi and pranavi to me.
I know that there will atleast be a minimum of 5 stray dogs right outside my pg and somedays if Im lucky, I know that there may be 3 stray dogs + 1 big fat cow slash buffalo on the same road.
I know my intel world wide id number byheart (that by the way is what my existance has been reduced to at intel, a number strung together from 8 digits).
I know how to lock my laptop to the docking station by simultaneously pressing a couple of other buttons and turning a key forward and backward and reciting prayers heavenward, while looking completely laid back like I know what Im doing ( this one took a lot of effort out of me, but I can say now, that iv mastered the look).
I know exactly where i'v gotta place my hand so that the magical tap at work can detect an unwashed hand below its nose and squirt out water.
I know exactly how to make my coffe at the caffe machine, how to make it produce those loud growls that intimidate any 2 week old intern.
I know how to fling my hand into the tissue cabnet and pull one out from its absurdly shaped hole with a flourish instead of emerging with nothing and chosing to use my jeans to serve the same purpose, as had been done during the 1st two weeks.
I know how to write out my own professsional email, regarding doubts about a tool, address it as "hi", send it to a total stranger working abroad and sign it, ahem, "regards, nacha", sounding like I really am sending across my regards to him slash her.
I know that no human being will hence forth come forward to debug my code, and the giant G word is all that I have, and Iv made my peace with it.
I know that conversations at work, will remain mostly either phone conversations(that embarrass you in the dead silence of the office), or instant chats (that still embarrass you because of the tut tut noise from the keyboard while u type) across cubes, direct conversation that involves staring at the walls of your own cube and recieving responses from faceless people across the walls of the cube (that embarrass u even further cus people about twenty cubes around u will be forced to listen to and process the contents of the conversation).
I know that the snacks cube is right next to mine and i have unmonitored access to it. :)
I know that my work at intel is done exactly by 5 everyday, and that I can get on to gtalk and say bbye with this smiley ":P" to every other soul in my class and get sworn at with the choicest of phrases.

Its been a humbling learning experience. Intel rocks.


Ryan said...

Sooper post. :D

Preji said...


Mags said...

This sure goes down as Awe... ...Wait for it to come... ...some !!! :-)

Nacha said...

thanks u guys! :D

Pink Mango Tree said...

Such a kwel post!
At every line I told myself, "Same here.. Same here, Exactly!!!"
Keep writing! :)


devanai said...

'Receiving responses from faceless voices' - sweet! The tissue scene is also cutely written!

Smilie! said...

Just 15 days @ Intel has become a story of the past!
Buddy... how I am gonna miss u!

Shiva said...

"I know exactly where i'v gotta place my hand so that the magical tap at work can detect an unwashed hand below its nose and squirt out water." -- keep writing like this!! :)

As Shalini said, the initial days...truly well captured...!